Immersive Learning

Immersive Learning in the Age of Conversational AI

Hands-on practice, experiential techniques and engaging learning opportunities – these are integral to an immersive learning experience. Since time immemorial, these methods have been the tried and tested ways of imparting effective learning. Over the years, this practice has been seen in the form of apprenticeships, role plays, learning in realistic simulated environments, and through day-to-day real-world activities. It has been universally tested and accepted that learning-by-doing delivers the best learning experiences, promotes knowledge retentions and replication in real-world scenarios.

Times have changed and new technology has emerged but that has not changed the fact that immersive experiential learning is still the most effective way to learn. Be it any field, any skill, performing a task stimulates understanding and cements learning. In fact, with evolving technology the degree to which immersion can be provided has also increased. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) have added a new dimension to learning and training, taking it beyond the real world and into the virtual world. This marked shift from traditional training methods is opening up new possibilities in the learning and development domain. The addition of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised the bar a lot higher, making learning more effective, engaging and immersive.

AI-powered experiential learning solutions for interactive training and skill development.

Immersive Learning in the Age of Conversational AI

Hands-on practice, experiential techniques and engaging learning opportunities – these are integral to an immersive learning experience. Since time immemorial, these methods have been the tried and tested ways of imparting effective learning. Over the years, this practice has been seen in the form of apprenticeships, role plays, learning in realistic simulated environments, and through day-to-day real-world activities. It has been universally tested and accepted that learning-by-doing delivers the best learning experiences, promotes knowledge retentions and replication in real-world scenarios.

Times have changed and new technology has emerged but that has not changed the fact that immersive experiential learning is still the most effective way to learn. Be it any field, any skill, performing a task stimulates understanding and cements learning. In fact, with evolving technology the degree to which immersion can be provided has also increased. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) have added a new dimension to learning and training, taking it beyond the real world and into the virtual world. This marked shift from traditional training methods is opening up new possibilities in the learning and development domain. The addition of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised the bar a lot higher, making learning more effective, engaging and immersive.

Benefits of immersive learning

Immersive learning in education is a powerful tool that provides learners with realistic and experiential learning opportunities in safe and controlled environments. To truly understand how this method is transforming education and training, explore our in-depth guide on Immersive Learning before diving into its key benefits.

Highly engaging

When working in realistic surroundings, practicing real-world tasks, the learners find themselves engaged. No distractions mean higher engagement, which in turn means better learning.

Higher retention rate

When learning is engaging and effective, understanding of concepts is clearer. Better understanding means a higher retention rate.

Controlled practice environment

Simulations provide zero-risk practice zones for learners to practice their skills. This is particularly useful for skills related to healthcare, aviation, defense and other high-risk jobs.


Immersive learning content is created keeping the learner’s requirements in mind. The learning journey adapts to the needs of the learner placing the learners in the driving seat.

Immediate feedback

Simulations provide immediate feedback to all actions – positive and negative. This helps the user analyze and understand their own performance and instantly modify their actions in subsequent sessions.

Conversational AI enhancing immersive experiences

If the shift from traditional methods was not enough, the integration of AI into immersive elearning content has contributed to a revolutionary change in learning experiences. A significant role is being played by conversational AI in this field.

Conversational AI refers to a ground-breaking technology that allows machines to understand human language and respond naturally. Virtual assistants, chatbots and AI-powered virtual humans are examples of instances where machines interact with humans fluently, creating an engaging and effective learning environment in multiple ways.

Interactive assistants

AI-powered characters can act as tutors and guides and assist learners along their learning journey. Users are provided with help in understanding complex theories and concepts, helping them enhance their learning capabilities.

Adaptive learning

Learner performances and interactions can be analyzed using conversational AI. This helps deliver feedback tailor-made for each participant. Content is accordingly adapted to suit the learner’s difficulty level to make sure the learner stays motivated to learn further.

Engaging simulations

Integrating AI-powered characters into simulated environments raises the immersion quotient of the session. In a healthcare setup if an AI-powered character can respond to questions and engage in a conversation with learners it helps create an authentic experience for the users. Training sessions become more engaging and realistic.

Learning life skills

A significant area in which conversational AI can generate a powerful training environment is the practice of soft skills, or shall we call them life skills. AI-powered characters are a storehouse of information and powered by this they are able to engage in conversations with humans as they would in real-life. These conversations are purely organic and smooth, providing a real-world experience to the user.

Misplaced Luggage Resolution – AI Assistance for Quick and Effective Solutions

AI-powered virtual characters provide immersive learning experiences to develop life skills

Among virtual assistants, chatbots and AI-powered virtual humans, AI-powered virtual characters are proving to be highly effective in helping develop, practice and refine valuable life skills. A platform like AI-Humans is helping create scenarios to develop a wide range of skills applicable to various industries that users can use to practice and perfect their skills. Some significant skills include:


A piece of communication can either make or break a deal. To ensure that the correct message goes across to the receiver, it is very important to communicate it effectively. This can be accomplished through consistent practice. When practiced with an interactive AI-powered character, the experience is realistic, effective, and thorough.


Negotiation skills help handle many difficult situations with deftness. These could be related to jobs in banking, retail, real estate, insurance, hospitality and many more. These skills can be developed by practicing in varied scenarios with different kinds of characters. AI-powered virtual characters prove to be perfect assistants for this purpose.


The power of patience cannot be emphasized enough. One impatient outburst can lead to a domino effect. Patience can be developed through practice. Helping an impatient guest with misplaced luggage requires the hotel executive to maintain their composure and assist the guest. If not, guest relations are sure to go downhill.


Almost every profession requires persuasion skills but executed with professionalism and subtlety. It could be for persuading colleagues, co-workers or customers, as the need be. How do you convince a customer to purchase a store loyalty program? Obviously through persuasion techniques.


No matter what the situation, professionalism must be maintained at all costs in all professions. AI-powered virtual characters responding like real humans can help practice this skill for a range of professions and a variety of scenarios.

Emotional intelligence

Human interaction is integral to every business. This includes both within and without the organization, for example customers, stakeholders, clients, co-workers, the regulatory authorities etc. Conducting oneself with emotional intelligence helps develop a better rapport with concerned parties.


Most of the times problems crop up unannounced, out of the blue. What matters is how one handles that problem. Keeping you cool and thinking with your head on your shoulders is a skill that will be tested in these times. It takes some grit and practice to look a problem in the face and come up with solutions to tackle it, a skill much admired in the professional world.

Conversational AI in partnership with immersive learning presents a promising future for learning and development. Learners find themselves in a realistic environment interacting with human-like characters that can respond on an equal, if not better, level and the experience is highly enriching and powerful. Characters like those we encounter on AI-Humans are a valuable tool to help develop, practice and refine a range of skills. With immediate feedback and performance analysis the training sessions become vastly effective and relevant to professional requirements.

AI-Humans from ELDC is a SaaS-based platform that enables trainers to develop AI-powered durable skills training solutions within minutes. While all technical aspects of creating these AI-powered scenarios have been taken care of by the team, trainers can devote all their attention towards giving shape to highly effective and relevant training and provide learners with engaging and immersive training opportunities. Practicing durable skills is the best way to learn and this is precisely what AI-Humans is providing.