Workplace Soft Skills

Workplace Soft Skills: Enhancing Work Performance

ai is good for humanity

Communication lies at the core of every relationship, whether personal or professional. In the professional world, effective communication can be the key to securing deals or losing them. How do you ace that crucial job interview? Once you’re hired, how do you carve out your niche within an established workforce? How do you persuade colleagues to embrace your ideas? How do you lead your team effectively to achieve results? These are just a few scenarios highlighting the importance of communication. Being skilled at delivering messages and eliciting the desired feedback is an art. History is replete with examples of eloquent speakers who have influenced the course of events with their exceptional communication skills. Their choice of words, delivery style, and body language worked in unison, making them compelling orators. If you are aiming to develop such skills, AI Humans is the place that can help you train yourself in exceptional communication skills.

AI Humans – Developing Skills with a Virtual Human

Practicing communication skills can be challenging as it’s not always easy to recreate real-life situations. This used to be the case until recently. Now, with advancements in virtual reality and AI-powered virtual humans, it’s possible to simulate any scenario. The AI Humans platform from ELDC is poised to transform the development of soft-skills training materials and the learning process. AI Humans empowers trainers to create realistic scenarios for practice purposes quickly, making the creation of AI-enabled training materials simpler than ever.

AI Humans includes features that facilitate the creation of meaningful and effective training scenarios easily and efficiently.

Can Communication Skills Be Learned with AI Virtual Human

In our daily work environment, delivering grand speeches to inspire crowds isn’t the goal. Instead, the aim is to be clearly understood. How can one ensure this? Through effective communication skills. Do we all have these skills? To some degree, yes. We all know how to communicate, but not everyone is equally effective. Some of us need practice to improve, and yes, this skill can be developed with training and consistent practice.

Features of AI-Humans’ AI-based elearning

AI-Humans is packed with a host of features that will change the way training is conducted in a range of industries. It could be a large corporate house or a small coffee shop around the corner.

Create cases in 10 minutes

How quickly can you create AI-powered immersive training? With AI-Humans this can be done in 10 minutes. All you need to do is enter the case details in to the system and publish it. In 10 minutes time you can access the training on a web browser or a VR/MR headset, depending upon the medium you have chosen for publishing.

No technical knowledge required

When we say that learning and development professionals and instructional designers can create these scenarios we mean literally that. Creating AI-based elearning with the AI-Humans platform does not require any coding or technical knowledge. If you know how to operate a computer, you can create immersive soft skill training experiences within minutes.

Publish for VR, MR, Web

All trainings created on the AI-Humans platform can be published to be accessed on a web browser or in a VR/MR headset. Making them compatible with multiple modes of learning ensures that the training is available for a varied group of learners. Depending upon your learner’s requirement, you can create and publish these courses to be accessed on the desired medium.

Large bank of virtual humans

The AI-Humans platform is home to a wide and diverse ‘population’ of virtual characters. You can select the character of your choice and create your course with them.

Wide range of virtual scenarios

Just as there are large number of characters, similarly there are numerous environments to select from. Not all training take place in the same place or scenario. Environments vary from industry to industry and organization to organization. You can select the one that best suits your purpose.

Customizable characters and environments

If you do not find the character and environment of your choice, you can always get it customized. AI-Humans offers customizations services of characters and environment. All you need to do is define your preferences and requirements and you will get assets of your choice.

Customizable assessment rubrics

Tests and assessments after training sessions help solidify learning. They offer better knowledge retention and applicability in the real world. The assessment rubrics on the AI-Humans platform are completely customizable. Rubrics can be defined depending upon the skills being tested.

AI-powered debriefing

Every training session is followed by a session-end debriefing. Trainers define the assessment rubrics and based on these the system generates a ‘report’. This debriefing is AI-powered and gives a detailed analysis of the user’s performance.

Conversation logs can be reviewed

As a trainer or lesson co-ordinator, it is important for you to know how your learners are faring. AI-Humans is capable of generating conversation logs for every session. With admin rights to the logs, you can see how each learner is performing. This will also give you an idea of shortcomings, if any, in the scenario which you can edit and update.

Upload on any LMS

Trainings within organizations are conducted through the LMS. AI-Humans has been designed to make it suitable for every LMS within organizations. Once your courses are ready they can be uploaded to your LMS facilitating smooth and efficient learning.

Training for all industries

You name the industry and AI-Humans can be used to create immersive training scenarios for that specific industry. Soft skills are required in all areas of work and this makes it important to be adept at them. Using the AI-Humans platform, learning and development professionals and instructional designers can create these trainings for their organization and help employees perform better.

From the house of ELDC comes a ground-breaking product that is going to revolutionize the way learning content can be created and consumed. While learning and development professionals will be able to create and offer effective learning solutions, learners will be able to learn in immersive and engaging learning environments.