AI-Humans: Platform to Create AI-enabled Training Experiences

Communication lies at the heart of every relationship, be it personal or professional. In the professional arena, communication can play a crucial role in either making or breaking a deal. To start with, how do you crack that job interview that is so important to you? Once employed, how do you make place for yourself in the already existing work force? How do you get co-workers to understand and accept your ideas? How do you effectively lead your team to deliver results? These instances are just a peep into the many occasions defining the significance of communication. Being adept at conveying messages with desired feedback is a skill. There have been several effective speakers who steered the course of history merely with their exemplary skill to get their messages across. Their choice of words, their speech delivery, and their body language worked in harmony, making them impressive orators.

Can communication skills be learned?

In a typical, day-to-day working environment we need not be looking at delivering speeches and steering crowds to action. No, that is not the aim, but there is always the need to be understood. How does one ensure that? Through effective communication skills.


Do we all possess those skills? To some extent, yes. We all know how to communicate but effectiveness is not everyone’s forte. Some of us need practice to get good at it and yes, it is possible to develop this skill with practice; a little bit of training and a good deal of practice.

Using conversational AI to practice and develop communication skills.

A One-stop platform for all AI-enabled trainings


Practicing, however, may be a challenge, as creating situations close to reality may not always be possible. This was so until some time back. Not anymore. With technologies like virtual reality and AI-powered virtual humans it is now possible to create a scenario for any given situation.  


The AI-Humans platform from ELDC is one such platform that gives trainers the advantage to create scenarios mimicking real-life situations for practice purpose.  


AI-Humans comes with features capable of delivering meaningful and effective training scenarios that can be created smoothly and in a hassle-free manner.  


No-coding required – Coding can sound intimidating and not all of us are trained for it but that cannot be a hindrance in creating virtual scenarios with AI-powered virtual humans. These Beings from the AI-Humans platform do not require any coding knowledge. Users just have to make a few selections, follow a series of steps. Having done so, they can give themselves a pat on their backs for having created an amazing training scenario that suits their needs. 


Web-based authoring tool – It’s true, professionals trained in the job use specific software and tools to give shape to some incredible pieces of training scenarios. However, not having those tools does not mean that creative and efficient solutions cannot be created. AI-Humans offers a web-based authoring tool that can be used by anyone. It requires the basic internet connection and browser, two very simple requirements. What’s more, since it’s web-based it does not cause a load on the local device’s memory.  


Customized characters for any industry – Communication skills can be said to be a part of a wide range of social skills and society is made up of a mix of characters. When it comes to practicing social skills, it would make sense to practice with different types of characters to understand how to act and react in each given situation. The AI-Humans platform is a repository of characters. Using these characters, it is possible to create training solutions that expose learners to various types of characters for different types of industries. 


Trained with massive database – Different people, different thoughts, different levels of knowledge and different ways of reacting to one given situation. AI-Humans characters have been trained using a massive database that make them kind of know-all beings. You create a scenario and name a subject and they can respond fluently and intelligibly to every question put to them.  


VR, desktop, mobile outputs – Requirements differ depending upon situations. While some may need a VR training program there are others for whom mobile learning is the suitable means of learning. The factors determining requirements vary and so it makes sense to be compatible enough to deliver training to the platform of choice. Scenarios developed with AI-Humans can be published to be accessed on desktops, mobiles or on a VR headset. After all quality training should be made available to every learner. 


The AI-Humans platform offers trainers the convenience to create quality training material that can deliver effective results. With technologies like natural language processing, machine learning, deep data analysis, and speech recognition the capabilities of AI-Humans characters are unmatched. Integrating them in training solutions can elevate training experiences and provide unparalleled outcomes.